The end of American democracy? What democracy?

Hold on to your hats; it will be wild. But first, let this sink in for a moment: The United States, allegedly a country founded on the concept of freedom and democracy, is on the verge of voluntarily pivoting into an imperial dictatorship. And the million-dollar gold toilet question is, why?
Everything about this moment smells like we are going down the Trump toilet. No matter what anyone does or say, no matter how absurd and wrong it is, no matter the motives. America will not resist the appeal of an authoritarian strong man.
But should we be worried sick? Maybe, but at the end of the day, everything with Trump is smoke and mirrors.
But don’t think for a moment that it can’t happen here, and this could be the end of American democracy. Because Americans desperately want it, and it’s not even the minority. We are split right in the middle, and I’m not including the closeted Trump voters. But why do Americans want this to happen after all?
The reasons are as vast as the territorial United States. Let’s say American history was fated to have a rendezvous with the strong man. After all, America is fascinated with strong men and a strong culture of imposition on other countries. The GI Joe cow syndrome finally arrived at the barn.
But one issue I find most critical is the widespread new hatred for democracy. And the notion that this democracy cannot be trusted. And, indeed, our democracy cannot entirely be trusted.
The United States' democratic institutions are well intertwined with the idea of unrestrained capitalism. And this would be a fine idea if people weren't greedy. Unfortunately, we all know — people are greedy. And the progressive corrosion of our institutions has created millions of disenfranchised individuals.
Some services, such as health care, are completely privatized by for-profit corporations; taxpayer money for social services is now spent on providing support for large corporations, and the results are here for all to see.
The U.S. ranks as the worst performer among 10 developed nations in critical areas of health care, including preventing deaths, access (mainly because of high cost) and guaranteeing quality treatment for everyone, regardless of gender, income or geographic location, according to the report, published Thursday by The Commonwealth Fund, an independent research group. Source: NBC News
Although Democrats have made attempts to serve the people, they are falling behind in providing meaningful advancement to citizens. Americans don’t remember how good it would be if their government worked in their best interest.
The United States has abundant wealth, and if it adopted a socialized European model, Americans could work fewer hours and still lead a wealthy and fulfilling life. However, the current two-party system in the country is in cahoots with corporations, making it easier for a small group of incredibly wealthy people to evade fair taxation. This means that wealth is concentrated among fewer individuals while most of the population needs help to make ends meet.
No. People are not stupid. And they see what is happening right in front of them. They might not be educated, but they know something is wrong, and they want an alternative; they want to break the government's political machine. Enter Donald Trump.
An opportunistic virus that takes over a weak immune system. A master of communication and the best snake oil salesman in the known universe. He can con millions by dabbling quotes borrowed from former authoritarians’ playbook. Trump is something different. Like some opportunistic viruses, he assumes the identity of the immune system and disguises himself as a protector.
Many are willing to risk anything to have their grievances heard. And if that doesn’t work, it will at least be a wrench thrown into the gears. Destruction of the present political machine. A two-party system that is equally corrupt after all.
In resume, there is a growing lack of trust in America's democratic institutions, which is leading to a desire to abandon democratic principles. The institutions that were created to protect and serve the people are failing to do so, and without equal service for all, true democracy cannot exist. This is the reason why Donald Trump was able to create a movement.
Trump is winning not because people are stupid or there is this evil thing. He is winning because he was able to create a movement. To fuel his movement, he uses anger, resentment, and retribution, an abundant byproduct of the nation. The question is, when he gets in and destroys the rest of our failing democratic structure, what will replace our political machine with?
But there is a question we should ask ourselves before that. Can Trump make his strongman fantasy happen? Trump is a genius when it comes to creating a circus show, but everything else about him is failure and incompetence. If you think the My Pillow Guy production value staff he will hire will be able to work together, think again.
And if you think the rest of us are just going to crawl into a hole and die, that ain’t going to happen either. This will not be the end of American democracy. It will be wild, but I think it will also be quick. And maybe with luck, after the storm has passed, there will be a better country, something close to a true democracy, and a place where your inflated taxes actually go to fund services that we can all enjoy.